2500 Faber Pl
Palo Alto, CA 94303
DNA Chip Technology
Changing the way you see DNA
Our Products:
SARS-CoV-2 Detection and Variant Tracking
Check out our VirusHunter™ assays for fast detection and viral sequencing
Whole Genome Genotyping
Ligation and extension-based genotyping assays for the highest quality human genotyping results
Spatial Transcriptomics
Micron-scale resolution for quantitative detection of thousands of RNA targets with spatial resolution
Who We Are
Proven Technology with an Innovative Twist

At Centrillion, we believe that we have yet to unlock the full potential of the DNA chip. With innovations in chemistry and manufacturing, the new generation of DNA chips have the capability to do rapid multiplex pathogen detection, whole genome viral sequencing, human genotyping, and spatial transcriptomics.
High Throughput Virus Detection
Tiny Chips
High throughput detection for up to 384 samples at a time using our smallest chips yet: The ATOM™
Multiplex Virus Panel Detection
Detect SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza A and B with the VirusHunter™ MVP assay or develop your own. Just 5 copies of SARS-CoV-2 are required for detection! ATOM™ chips are capable of detecting sequences for 56 pathogens, 16 antibiotic resistance genes, and 6 controls.

The VirusHunter™ MVP assay is currently only available through our clinical lab, Molecular Vision laboratories. Visit their site by clicking here.
SARS-CoV-2 Whole Genome Sequenceing

The VirusHunter™ ARTIC SARS-CoV-2 Whole Genome Sequencing Assay uses a multiplex tiling RT-PCR reaction originally developed by the ARTIC Network. These RT-PCR products are read out on QuadCore™ DNA sequencing chips with astounding accuracy. Core 0 of the QuadCore™ chip contains eight probes for each base in the SARS-CoV-2 genome; four probes (A, T, C, and G) on the sense strand, and four probes on the antisense strand. Cores 1-3 contain SARS-CoV-2 variant sequences and control sequences.
Knowledge is power. Sequencing is critical for epidemiological analyses and for making well-informed decisions for public health and safety. While most rare mutations are likely due to neutral evolution, emerging strains can be more transmissible and more lethal, and these strains could potentially evade vaccines.
Highest Accuracy Results
>99.9% coverage with >99.99% accuracy for samples up to Ct 32
Cost Effective
Cost-effective, highly accurate sequencing of the full SARS-CoV-2 genome
Simple Output
One-click FASTA and Variant Calling File generation outputs the whole genome sequence as well as an easy-to use sheet for variant tracking
Fewer Steps and Hands-on Time
Capture-based sequencing technology eliminates tedious and time-consuming library preparation steps
High Throughput
96-chip plate format enables whole genome sequencing of 96 samples at once
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